I have recently received a book about beauty, it’s called ‘The Skin Regime: Boot Camp for Beautiful Skin’ and it was sent to me by the author Dana Ramos together with a sample peel.
Lately I don’t really have time to read books, but this time I started reading from the minute I got it in my hands until I finished it later on the same day. It is a book written with simple words, interesting, as every woman wants to discover the way to become beautiful and I can’t hide that I identified with the author and her skin history.
Contrary to what someone could expect from this book, it isn’t written to advertise certain products or the boot camp itself. It also reveals secrets about cosmetic companies and how we can waste money on products which will never have the results they promise.
The next day after reading the book, I opened it again and went through some advice on how to take care of different parts of the body and some recommended products that should be in my shopping list.
As I have mentioned here I avoid many things during pregnancy, so I didn’t try the peel I received. But I really can’t wait to try the boot camp in the near future.
Nevertheless, I borrowed this before-after photos from http://www.theskinregime.com/ so that you can see an example of the Skin Regime’s results.
The Skin Regime Giveaway-CLOSED

You can also check the Skin Regime on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and join their newsletter.
The good news is that Dana Ramos is offering the book ‘The Skin Regime: Boot Camp for Beautiful Skin’ and a sample peel for one of my readers.
All you have to do is complete the rafflecopter widget below. Only one step is necessary, so that your entry is valid. The more steps you follow the more chances you have to be the winner.
Good luck everyone! Don’t hesitate to contact me here: beautyandthemist@gmail.com