5 Things You Should Have in Your Car at All Times

Chances for trouble exist with car travel regardless of how far you’re going. Whether you’re driving to the grocery store or embarking on a long road trip, being prepared for the unexpected is always a good idea. Here are five things you should have in your car at all times.

First-Aid Kit

You never know when you might need it, so it’s always best to be prepared. Make sure your kit is stocked with bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and other essentials. If you can, purchase a kit, or build your own, that has a first-aid instruction booklet. Also, be sure to add in several pairs of rubber gloves and a couple of CPR masks to protect yourself from bodily fluids just in case you come across a stranger in distress.

Spare Tire and a Jack

You never know when you might get a flat tire, so it’s always best to be prepared. Make sure you have a spare tire that is properly inflated and in good condition, as well as a jack and a lug wrench. It’s good practice to have it inspected when you have your tires rotated. With time they can become damaged or low on pressure, and that certainly won’t help you in an emergency.

Roadside Emergency Kit

Being stranded on or near the road is very stressful, whether it be due to an accident, or car trouble. This is only intensified when adverse weather conditions are involved. You can help ease the situation by being prepared with a roadside emergency kit. This should include items like flares or reflective triangles, jumper cables, a flashlight, some drinking water and snacks, and a first-aid kit (as mentioned before).

Spare Set of Keys

If you lock your keys in the car, or lose them altogether, having a spare set can be a lifesaver. If you don’t have a spare set, consider giving a copy to a trusted friend or family member who could come to your aid if needed, or invest in a keyless entry system. You should also keep the phone number of a locksmith service stored in your phone in the event you need to call one. If you’re locked out, you’ll be able to handle the situation while remaining calm because you’re well prepared.

Phone Charger

If your phone battery dies and you’re unable to call for help, you’re in a dangerous and possibly life-threatening situation. Avoid this scary scenario by keeping a charger in your car at all times, or purchase a portable power bank and charger cord to keep in your glove box. That way, you can charge your phone if needed and always be able to call for help if necessary.

With these five items, you’ll be better prepared for anything that comes your way while out on the road. Be sure to check and replenish your supplies regularly, let friends and family know your route when traveling long distances, and always drive safely!

About the author:

Anica is a professional content and copywriter who graduated from the University of San Francisco. She loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. She was raised in a big family, so she’s used to putting things to a vote.

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