Toe Rings: The New Celebrity Jewelry Accessory

While in the western culture wearing toe rings is a fashion statement, toe rings are believed to exert pressure on certain nerves that enhance fertility and promote overall well-being, especially if you have menstrual cycle problems. In Western culture, toe rings are often worn as a fashion statement, representing freedom, self-expression, and a bohemian spirit. Celebrities are not an exeption, and below you can see who are fans of this piece of jewelry.

Jennifer Aniston


Kylie Jenner


Kate Siegel


Jessica Simpson


Featured Photo by Daniel Lloyd Blunk-Fernández on Unsplash

Wearing foot jewelry is a common, cultural characteristic in India that traveled to the west in the 70’s and it came back again in the 90’s together with anklets.

How do you like this trend making a comeback? Are you a fan of wearing foot accessories?

You can also read 6 Sizzling body Jewelry Trends you must try

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