Wedding Invitation Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid

Planning to get married anytime soon? Congratulations! Marriage is a really important moment in your life and you want your marriage to be perfect.

As we approach the wedding season we can hear the bells toll all over the world. In the year 2019, almost 2.2 million couples were wed in the United states alone. Source:

When you write up your wedding invitations there are tonnes of errors you can make which can make you look like a fool or ruin your wedding entirely, here are quite a few mistakes to avoid when making wedding invitations:

  • Not including all the details:

Nobody wants to put all their details on the invitation letter as it might ruin the letter as well as give information you are not willing to share. Thus, most wedding cards today are made with minimal detail; this results in a lot of inconsistencies in details for the guests.

  • Sending the invites late:

Sending the invites late might not seem like such a big tragedy. However, if you send the invites too late, most of your guests might not be able to change their plans in order to attend the wedding. This will also not leave them time to reject your invitation and for you to send out your backup invite list.

  • Clarifying who exactly is invited:

As common as it is to invite a whole family, does this always work out? Sometimes you just want to invite one or two people of that family and not the entire family along with two distant relatives. This is why being specific in your invitations will help you immensely. Instead of addressing a letter to the Smiths, have it address Mr. Adam Smith or Mrs. Jane Smith.

  • Making your card too formal or informal:

Keeping your card too formal can make it sound like a business invite and is quite a cliche these days. Adding a bit of personal tone and life to the card is important, however, you must remember not to overdo it and make it a personal letter, unless you specifically want to go for that approach.

  • Picking the wrong design:

Sometimes, the mistake can simply be picking an unnecessarily bland design such as a white or pink background and a gold border. It is important to go for variations in color, shape, and design to give it a hint of individuality. 

Hiring a team to make the perfect card for you or picking from pre-made designs are perfectly valid options when choosing the right design.

  • Putting the wrong time:

If your engagement ceremony lasts the afternoon, there is no need to write an earlier start time. This will not only confuse the guests but also tell on the amount of preparation you put into the invites.

Use exact times and dates, especially if you were planning to write the invitations hours in advance. Always remember that the guests will have to be entertained whenever they arrive.

  • Forgetting the RSVP:

If you want to receive correspondence at all, forgetting to put an RSVP can cost you dearly. Remember to always leave in a contact e-mail or website wherever required. This will ensure that guests will be able to get accurate details. 

This also allows them to inform you of their absence, giving you the ability to send out a second invitation list or cancel arrangements as planned.

  • Using conventional media:

Instead of using the classic postal mail, you could try going for something more new-aged like an e-mail. Nowadays, email invites seem to be much more popular among the youth of today. This will help save a lot of paper, in turn saving the environment. It will also reduce the budget.

You can also make custom wedding cards online using the right website and produce the perfect card for any wedding.

The wedding invitation is fundamental to most weddings and most people cannot sit still without the perfect invitation. You can make the perfect invite by remembering not to skip the details, keep the invitees clear, make the perfect cards, both in style and tone. Choosing an email may be an unconventional method, but it shows your eco-friendliness.

Remember to take your time to choose right!

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