This is the third week of Diary of Bliss, a weekly challenge started by Katerina from where we have to write down moments in our lives which make us happy. You can also take a look at first and second week’s posts.
I have to admit that it was a little difficult for me to find good moments from last week, so this challenge makes me reconsider some facts and see that there are always good moments in our lives.
-The first thing that comes on my mind is Saturday evening when my best friend and her husband came over to have dinner together. My friend had made Chinese food which was delicious. I always have a great time when we meet, I just hope I was a good company too.
-There was also a great change in my life. I was informed that the place I have been working for almost a decade is closing down. This didn’t make me sad as it was something I expected and lately I had been working so little that my daily routine won’t really change. On the contrary, this gives me more motivation to occupy with other projects I have started and take them more seriously. I’m really looking forward to accomplish my goals!
-The last thing that made me smile was my son’s new pair of trainers. He’s so cute in them.
I hope you’re all enjoying your lives whatever you do!
Diary of Bliss : Third week