While human beings love comfort and routine, we’re also stimulated by sudden, drastic change. Nothing constitutes such a thrilling and decisive change as settling into a new dwelling. Part of what makes the process so fun is customizing certain aspects of the new home to suit your personal tastes. Your new house won’t really be your home until you’ve molded it in accordance with your desires. Here’s how you can make sure your house has been sufficiently customized to your liking.
Account for the Structural Integrity of Additions
Lots of new homeowners like to slap an addition on a home before they move in. This makes sense, since it allows workers to finish up the project without disrupting your life. If you’ve decided to go this route with your own new home, then the structural integrity of the new spaces should be your primary concern. While aesthetics and functionality are important, it’s safety that always takes priority. If the foundation is solid and structural steel erection is flawless, then your house is probably in good shape.
Ensure All Harmful Components Have Been Removed
Lots of older buildings include harmful materials like asbestos and lead paint. You should have a professional home inspector in to make sure that this isn’t the case with your home. This is another customization that concerns safety rather than appearance or use, which makes it especially important. One you’ve had these materials removed, you can live comfortably in your new home with your mind at ease.
Change the Layout While You Have the Chance
If you want to significantly change the layout of your new home, you’re better off doing it before you get settled in. Changing the location of a bathroom or laundry room will require major plumbing and electrical work, all of which would be disruptive if you did it later.

Don’t Forget About Aesthetics
While safety and functionality are most important, you shouldn’t disregard the appearance of your home. After all, this building will be your home for the foreseeable future. You want it to make you feel good about yourself and the life you’re living. That’s why a customization project isn’t really complete until you’re happy about the way it looks.
Moving into a new home is almost always an exciting process. Customizing your new home is often the most fun of all. Use this guide to recognize when your projects are finally complete.
About the author:
Emma is a freelance writer currently living in Boston, MA. She writes most often on education and business. To see more from Emma, say hi on Twitter @EmmaSturgis2