Winterize Your Plumbing Now to Prevent Costly Damage Later

If you’re a homeowner, it’s important to take certain precautions in the fall and winter to ensure your plumbing isn’t damaged by freezing temperatures. By winterizing your plumbing now, you can save yourself from costly repairs or replacements later on. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you get started. 

Check for Leaks and Drips 

Before you winterize your plumbing, make sure there are no existing leaks or drips. Even small leaks can cause major damage when exposed to freezing temperatures, so it’s important to check all of your pipes for signs of wear and tear before winter sets in. If you do find any leaks or drips, call professional plumbers immediately and have them repaired before the cold weather hits. 

Insulate Exposed Pipes 

Once you have checked for any existing problems with your plumbing, it’s time to start insulating your exposed pipes. This is especially important if you live in an area where temperatures drop below freezing. Even if temperatures in your area don’t dip too low, insulation is still recommended as it helps keep water hot longer so that you don’t waste energy heating up the same water multiple times throughout the day. Make sure to cover all exposed pipes with insulation or foam wrap specifically designed for this purpose. You may also want to consider adding pipe clamps or extra padding around joints as well as around valve stems and shut-off valves. 

Disconnect Outdoor Hoses 

Outdoor hoses should be disconnected before the first hard freeze of winter hits. Leaving them connected could result in frozen hoses that might burst when they thaw out again! Once they have been disconnected, drain out any excess water left in the hose by opening up both ends of the hose then allowing air pressure to push out what remains inside until only dry air is coming out of both ends. Store hoses indoors during the winter months so they don’t get damaged by snow or ice buildup on top of them while outside. 

Open Cabinets & Sink Drains 

When temperatures drop below freezing, open cabinets located around sinks that are on exterior walls so that warmer air can circulate around the pipes. This will help prevent them from freezing over due to cold drafts coming through windows or doors near them. Also make sure all sink drains are kept open so that water is not trapped inside where it could freeze and cause a blockage or crack a pipe due to expansion.

Winterizing your plumbing is an essential part of home maintenance that should not be overlooked! Taking a few simple steps such as checking for leaks and drips, insulating exposed pipes, and disconnecting outdoor hoses will go a long way towards preventing costly repairs due to frozen pipes down the line—so why wait? Get started today!

About the author:

Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. In her free time, she enjoys the outdoors and walks in the park with her husky, Snowball.

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