I love Spring! So, I was happy when Lydia from http://lillysdailyblog.blogspot.gr/ invited me to the Spring Lover Tag.
1. Say who tagged you
2. Answer the questions and add 3 of your own related to Spring
3. Tag 10 others
Spring Lover Tag questions:
1. Which is your favourite Spring nail design?
2. Which shade of lipstick is a must for Spring?
Purplish Pink
3. Which colour inspires you in Spring?
Yellow like Daisies
4. Favourite outfit in Spring?
Jeans, cotton blouse and sneakers
5. Favourite Spring accessory?
Beige Bag
6. Favourite Spring fruit?
7. What smell reminds you of Spring?
The smell of flowers
8. What do you like the most of this season?
The weather, I like that it isn’t hot
Lydia’s questions:
1. What colour do you paint your nails in Spring?
Pastel Colours
2. Do you use a face sunscreen in Spring?
3. Is there anything about your every day make up that you change in Spring?
Although I may not use make up in Winter, in Spring I need it more because foundation protects my face from the sun together with my sunscreen. I also tend to experiment with brighter eyeshadows.
My questions to you:
1. Do you think Spring is a good time for changes? If yes, what would you change, hair, make up, cosmetics, something else?
2. Is there a colour you prefer for your outfits in Spring?
3. Are there any special activities you enjoy in this season?
I would like to thank Lydia for tagging me and as it’s hard at the moment to choose 10 people, I’m tagging all of you. You can either make a post on your blog or answer here.
Spring Lover Tag