The front door of a home is not only noticed from the road, it is the place where guests go when they are coming to visit. The color of your front door can be a conversation starter, especially if you choose to show your personality through the color that you choose for that door.
Choose a Front Door Color That Is Bold But Not Too Bold
When you decide to paint your front door, you want to look through the paint options and find something that is bold and different. You don’t want to go with a paint color that is just like the one used on all of the other doors in your neighborhood. You should look for a paint that is bold but that is not so bold that you will grow embarrassed of it or sick of seeing it.

Choose a Front Door Color that Fits With the Rest of Your Home
When you are looking to show your personality through the paint that you use on your front door, make sure that you are choosing a paint that will work with the color of your siding, hardscaping, and roof. Make sure that the color that you pick out for your door will help the door stand out but that it will not clash too much with all of the colors that are around it. You want people to appreciate the door, not be disgusted by it.

Consider Purchase New Doors or New Hardware for Your Doors
Some doors have a certain look to them that just does not fit well with a home even when they are painted. If you feel that the doors on your home are outdated or that they just don’t have the fun look that you want them to have, you might consider purchasing replacement doors before you add any color to your front door. If you are going to keep the doors that you currently have, you might consider changing out the doorknob and any other hardware on the door for something new that will look good with the paint color that you are going to be using.
Your front door is a place where you can express yourself. Your neighbors, guests, and delivery people are all going to notice that door. Choose a color for your front door that will make you happy and proud.
About the author:
Emma is a freelance writer based out of Boston, MA. She writes most often on health and education. When not writing, she enjoys reading and watching film noir. Say hi on Twitter @EmmaSturgis2