There are so many things out there that can affect your skin negatively. Between sunlight, tanning beds, age, strong soaps, and chemicals, it’s a wonder we aren’t all shrived. With so many dangers out there, the easiest thing you can do on a daily basis, to maintain or help create healthy, glowing and vibrant skin, is to focus on your diet – the primary source of all your skin woes and successes.
How much does diet affect your skin?
Nutrition professor at Boston University, Dr. Joan Salge Blake said, “You are what you eat, and what you don’t eat can affect your skin.” Not only does your diet affect your skin, it is the primary source for all the goodness your skin needs to stay young and glowing. While you might be eating all the right things, looking for foods that contain vitamins A, C, E and D is important for glowing skin, and a lack of these elements in your diet will show on your face!
What are the best diets for healthy skin?
Choosing a diet should be 100% dependent on the individual, and what they feel gives them the best chance of success. Instead of discussing the merits of vegan, vegetarian or sugar-free diets, there are a few elements you must consider for the best chance of success. No matter what diet you choose, remember that changing your diet drastically will sometimes result in surprising flu-like symptoms and a general malaise. Never fear! This is often attributed to parasite die off symptoms, as unhealthy elements in your body start to disappear and die off. Let’s explore a few elements you can expect to see in any skin-healthy diet.
1. Drink water
A lack of hydration will quickly make skin look dry, saggy and sometimes grey. Drink six to eight glasses of water per day to maintain healthy and glowing skin. Some people keep their daily water serving in a large bottle at their desk, while others supplement their water with herbal or caffeine free teas. You can also get your daily allotment of water from certain fruits and veggies, like watermelon and cucumber.
2. Have enough seasonal fruits and vegetables
Skin cell development and tone depend heavily on the amount of fruit and vegetables you intake per day. The easiest way to remind yourself to eat correctly is to ensure you eat a rainbow of colourful fruits and veggies, divided into 5 daily servings. Enjoying season-specific fruits and vegetables will ensure you get the best tasting and freshest available, and don’t get bored eating the same things all year.

3. Have a balanced diet
Not all diets are created equal, and those who crash diet often see issues with skin sagging or getting wrinkled or stretched. Gaining and losing weight will leave your skin understandably confused, so it’s important to maintain a consistently healthy diet that is balanced appropriately, to ensure your skin stays consistently smooth and wrinkle free.
4. Eat enough vitamin C
Vitamin C is the most popular super antioxidant out there, and while it’s promoting immune health, it’s also responsible for helping skin heal quickly and stay radiant. Yes, vitamin C is found in oranges and orange juice, but it’s also packed into blueberries, broccoli, kiwi, and even sweet potatoes. The more vitamin C you have in your daily diet, the shorter the time it takes for blemishes to heal.
5. Eat healthy fat
Healthy fat may still be a mind bender for some – but it’s real! Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are healthy, and most often found in the all-powerful avocado, as well as in oily fish, nuts and seeds. This dose of vitamin E will add elasticity to your skin, and keep you naturally moisturized all day! Skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis often see improvement when people eat more omega-3 and 6 fats, like those found in seeds and oily fish.
6. Go for low-GI carbs
On the high end of the glycaemic index are foods like sugary drinks, that blast you with carbs and then leave your body quickly, and empty of nutrients. Low-GI carbohydrates found in beans or porridge slowly release sugar into your body, for a steady supply of energy. Focusing on high-GI foods often promotes the creation of insulin within your body, which damages the collagen in the skin, thus creating wrinkles.
Your skin-healthy diet is your choice, and it’s an important one you will live with daily. It’s important to remember, no matter the diet you choose, to not pick and choose health-first elements on a whim. Challenge yourself to love the skin you’re in, by filling your diet with the right kinds of foods and fats, to keep your skin young, vibrant and glowing!
About the author:
Naomi Shaw is a freelance journalist residing in sunny Southern California with her husband and three children. She is a work-at-home mom that enjoys writing on fashion, beauty, jewelry, and everything weddings!